Sunday, March 4, 2012

Lorax Movie Review

I took my little brother to see the Lorax today and came away pretty happy.  Leave it to Dr. Suess to put such an important message into simplistic rhyming dialogue.  I'm not a big fan of bursting into song in the middle of a movie but the content of the film overshadowed that aspect.  Casting Danny Divito as the Lorax was perfect.  It's hilarious that he is probably the actual size of his character.  I recommend seeing it. Keep an eye out for profound messages throughout the film.  In one instance the once-lers company "Thneeds" is quickly pictured with the words "Too big to fail" beneath it, clearly taking a shot at corporations with poor business models.

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not."
-Dr. Suess

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