Friday, March 30, 2012

The Meaning of Dreams

I really think dreams have a significant meaning.  This past Thursday I went to Michigan State for the night with a few friends. The weather was horrible on the drive home. As we were nearing our house my friend Dwayne (@DwayneDC24) mentioned he had a dream that we got into a car accident and he didn't want to mention it on the highway because he was afraid it would come true.  As soon as we had ended our discussion about dreams and their meanings, a car pulled out in front of us and we got into an accident on Broomfield.  Talk about irony.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Leonard Pitts

Leonard Pitts is a writer for the Miami Herald and in this article he delves into the origins of "race".  Pitts dubs it "a term both meaningful and yet, profoundly meaningless".  Pitts offers many intriguing points about ethnicity, the meaning of "black" and "white", and the profiling of George Zimmerman (Trayvon Martin's murderer). Get 'em Pitts.  Click the jump below to read on.

In Trayvon Martin’s death, consider race and privilege

Read more here:

Read more here:

Anchorman 2 Announced

Great Odin's Raven!  Will Ferrell recently appeared on Conan Obrien's late night TV show to announce a sequel to Anchorman.  I don't really see any way it could live up to the incredible success of the first film.  By the beard of Zeus I hope Will knows that expectations are sky high for the sequel.  Anchorman might be one of the most quotable movies of all time.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Food for Thought

“Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach.” - Tom Robbins

Dhani Jones: The SportsMan

I'm currently reading The Sportsman by Dhani Jones and so far I've been impressed by his unique perspective.  Dhani is a former NFL linebacker for the New York Giants, Philadelphia Eagles, and the Cincinnati Bengals.  Dhani earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Michigan with a custom made major called "Self-Representation".  He is a man of high intelligence.  Dhani has always sought out to convince people that a football player can be a "thinking man".  The book chronicles: his life growing up and personal interests, his NFL career, and the television series he did for the Travel Channel "Dhani Tackles the Globe".  I recommend you give it a read.  I also like that fact that Dhani always rocks a bow tie.  Check out his organization The Bow Tie Cause.

15th Anniversary of The Red Wings/Avalanche Brawl

On this day in 1997 the bad blood between the Detroit Red Wings and the Colorado Avalanche boiled over into a melee of epic proportions.  I wish the current Red Wings had a rivalry as passionate as this one was.  Rivalries make sports more exciting and give each individual game an immeasurable meaning.  In any aspect of life, when pride is on the line, the stakes are high.  I wish hockey players were still allowed to interrupt the game and scrap like they used to do.  Taking away that element of the sport is a big mistake. Oh and... Patrick Roy is a sissy.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Expand Your Viewpoint

I grow tired of professors, administrators, and other individuals in society that believe they can intellectually harass people of my age group because they are older and have lived longer.  Open your mind, you have something to learn from everyone.

"Just because you've been through something doesn't mean you know everything."

Dr. George Ross (

Thursday, March 22, 2012

If you're a guy, why do you have a ponytail?

I've seen two gentlemen on campus today with ponytails.  That is two too many.  What are you thinking?  Unless you are a rock star you are not allowed to sport a ponytail.  What are you trying to accomplish by not cutting your hair?  1. It's messy. 2. You look sloppy.  3.  Do you really want people to debate if you are a guy or girl from behind?  Do everyone a favor (including yourself) and just shave your head.
Ted Nugent you're ok, you're famous. (
You have no excuses. (

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Denis Waitley

I often find myself pondering who and what I will become.  Realizing I have absolutely no idea what specifically that may be is concerning at times.  However, in the end what will be will be.

"As long as we are persistence in our pursuit of our deepest destiny, we will continue to grow. We cannot choose the day or time when we will fully bloom. It happens in its own time."

Friday, March 16, 2012

New Lions Uniforms

Nike is under contract with the NFL to provide uniforms for all 32 teams for the next ten years.  Reebok was previously responsible for the NFL's uniforms and I'm curious to see what Nike comes up with.  I usually like Nike's uniform designs the best out of Reebok, Under Armor, and Adidas.  On the other hand, I'm a little agitated I bought a Suh Jersey and now the uniforms will probably look drastically different.  Nike will reveal their uniform designs on April 3rd in New York.
An example Nike released previously.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Rap Battle Parody Vol. 4

This is the fourth edition of the Rap Battle Parody series by Deshawn Raw.  The first two editions were pretty good.  However, the third one lacked the comedic quality of its predecessors (Volume 1, Volume 2)  .  Volume 4 is tremendous.  I've been saying I hope they get a celebrity to battle Deshawn Raw (Super-Hot Fire) and they did.  So I think that deserves an...
Lo and behold they got Chris Rock!  Here's the 4th edition of these hilarious rap battle parodies...

Outplayed and Out Classed

It really is unfortunate the immaturity high school students exude sometimes.  During a playoff basketball game between Warren DeLaSalle and Detroit King things began to feel "uncomfortable" as Terry Foster put it.  DeLaSalle students responded to chants by King students by chanting "We've got futures. We've got futures." and as the game progressed it escalated to "Flip our burgers. And you are stupid."  These actions are simply shameful.  One would think think that with the vast amount of educational resources pouring into DeLaSalle their students would have learned some humility and respect for others.  Warren DeLaSalle lost by a lot more than the final score of 72-50 indicates.  They lost in the class category as well.  Click the jump below to read the full article by Terry Foster of the Detroit News.


Future University of Michigan football teammates Dennis Norfleet (pictured left) and Shane Morris share some jokes after the game. (

Monday, March 12, 2012

The Weeknd: The Knowing

The Weeknd is currently one of my favorite artists right now.  He has an incredible voice and his songs offer a unique vibe.  He has released three mix tapes thus far: House of Balloons, Thursday, and Echoes of Silence.  Each mix tape is full of jams.  A few of my personal favorites are: Loft Music, Montreal, Outside, Glass Table Girls, D.D. (Dirty Diana Cover), and of course The Knowing.  The Weeknd was also featured in the song Crew Love on Drake's album Take Care. Here is the only official music video by The Weekend thus far.  It's pretty risqué and "out there" say the least.  However, the video is still epic.

Sunday, March 11, 2012


In the event of an argument I always wonder why some guys will throw sucker punches at oblivious people and then back away from the scuffle.  It is such a spineless move.  I was always taught if you have a problem with anything you face it head on.  You don't attack it from side angles and then back away.  The lack of dignity in some people is astounding.  First, You are throwing a punch at someone not even prepared to remotely defend themselves.  Second, You back away like you are not involved and you have done zero harm.  If you do something, own up to it.  Simply sickening.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Charles Barkley: The Ringer

This commercial by CDW is hilarious. I love Charles Barkley. "I'm here for the the "it" position."

Friday, March 9, 2012

Pakenham Beatty

Some words I try to live by...

"By your own soul, learn to live.  If some men thwart you, take no heed.  If some men hate you, have no care.  Sing your song. Dream your dream.  Hope your hope and pray your prayer."

It's Wicked AWFUL

These Lady Jane's haircut commercials need to end.  This marketing campaign is one of the most aggravating attempts I have seen to captivate an audience.  The owners personality seems to be just as obnoxious as his bleach blonde hair.  His catch phrase "It's wicked awesome!" does not entice me to want to get a haircut at any of his establishments.  In fact, his advertisements have driven me away from Lady Jane's completely. I will never get a haircut from Lady Jane's due to their consistently irritating and revolting television ads.  However, I can say at least he reps Detroit.

15th Anniversary of Christopher Wallace's Murder

Unbelievable that it has been 15 years since Christopher Wallace (a.k.a Biggie Smalls, a.k.a Nortious, a.k.a Nortious BIG) passed away.  It is incredibly unfortunate a music giant such as Biggie was taken away from the world at such a young age.  People often debate what the rap industry would sound like had Biggie lived longer.  I have no doubts that Biggie would still be dominating the charts with incredible precision.  Maybe if Biggie was still around the horrid era of "Ringtone Rap" would have never surfaced. Immense talent seems to be stolen from the world in too many instances. It has become an all too common trend in the music industry.  Perhaps we only got a glimpse into the potential of Biggie Smalls, and for that the world is forever at a loss.  If only Mr. Wallace was around to share his flare, lyrical prowess, and style for the past 15 years.  As always... I'll be missing you.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Arian Foster

You can't help but like humble people.  He immediately credits his teammates for his success in the press conference announcing his new contract.  Foster's contract has a length of five years worth 43.5 million dollars. Foster was an unheralded running back out of Tennessee and has found stardom in the NFL after being an un-drafted free agent.  He touches on some hard ships he had growing up and an inside joke with his family.  Though the contracts for athletes are incredibly inflated I am very happy he has reached the success he has worked hard to attain.  Click the jump below to view his press conference.

Press Conference

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Act of Valor Movie Review

I saw Act of Valor last night.  It was to say the least, eye-popping.  When I first heard that active duty Navy Seals were going to be portraying the soldiers in the film I was immediately excited for the realistic aspect of the combat scenes.  However, I was skeptical about their acting ability.  Needless to say they proved me wrong and did a pretty decent job.  The film chronicles the adventures of a tight nit Navy Seal team profiled as "Seal Team 7", Numerically close to Seal Team 6 who neutralized Osama Bin Laden.  The film is action packed, gripping, and compelling. Go see it.  The movie hit close to home and reminded me of the risks friends of mine are facing everyday overseas. The narrator of the film nicknamed "Chief" recites a quote from the Shawnee chief Tecumseh at the films conclusion that gives the viewer goosebumps.

"When your time comes to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with fear of death, so that when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song, and die like a hero going home."

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Stephen Colbert: Wheat Thins Sponsortunity

I'm a huge fan of Stephen Colbert and his political satire show The Colbert Report. Wheat thins payed him for a plug segment and he took it and ran.  Absolutely hilarious!  Click the jump below to view the video.

Simon Sinek: How Great Leaders Inspire Action

Simon Sinek dives into his theory of how great leaders inspire action.  He elaborates on why apple is so innovative, why the wright brothers attained flight and others failed to do so, and why Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was able to lead the civil rights movement.  His philosophy is one that all leaders and businesses should follow.

"People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it."

Monday, March 5, 2012

Ken Robinson's take on Education

I saw this video in class the other day and I found it very thought provoking.  Ken Robinson elaborates on many problematic aspects of modern public education and offers ways to initiate creative thinking.  I think it's important to re-evaluate standardized testing and education in general.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Lorax Movie Review

I took my little brother to see the Lorax today and came away pretty happy.  Leave it to Dr. Suess to put such an important message into simplistic rhyming dialogue.  I'm not a big fan of bursting into song in the middle of a movie but the content of the film overshadowed that aspect.  Casting Danny Divito as the Lorax was perfect.  It's hilarious that he is probably the actual size of his character.  I recommend seeing it. Keep an eye out for profound messages throughout the film.  In one instance the once-lers company "Thneeds" is quickly pictured with the words "Too big to fail" beneath it, clearly taking a shot at corporations with poor business models.

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not."
-Dr. Suess

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Giavanni Ruffin

Giavanni Ruffin is an aspiring un-drafted NFL running back. I really hope he gets picked up for this season and he has the chance to follow through on his dream.  Ruffin played college football at East Carolina University.  He has released a few inspiring youtube videos that are extremely motivating.  He lives by the mantra that he tweets often, "Take No Days Off". I recommend you follow him @Giavanni_Ruffin.

The Ignorance of Rush Limbaugh

It shocks me how anyone can hold Rush Limbaugh in high regard.  He consistently shouts out uneducated derogatory statements that cause me to severely question his moral compass and his intelligence.  It's absurd he still has a job and people listen to what he has to say.  Stories such as these anger me to no end.  If only he realized his insensitive backwoods language isn't funny. In fact, it makes him sound obtuse.  Clink the link below to read on.


Wrestling Coach Redefines Life For Countless Youth

Mike Powell is an inspiring person, was a terrific wrestler at Indiana University, and has the best outlook on life I have ever read about.  He was diagnosed with a debilitating muscle disease called polymyositis in 2009.  However, that has not stopped him from coaching. "This is, after all, Coach Powell. No one attacks coaching, or life, as he does. This is the man who signs his e-mails "in relentless pursuit"." He was featured in Sports Illustrated a few weeks ago.  Clink the link below to read the full story.

Man In Full

Too Deep for the Intro

I created this blog to further elaborate on my perspective of the world and how I see things.  Often 140 characters just doesn't get the job done.

“You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.”                     - Friedrich Nietzsche