Tuesday, May 1, 2012

10 Things Your Commencement Speaker Won't Tell You

As graduation nears, and some of my friends have finally completed their undergraduate journey.  I often ponder what lies ahead for them and eventually myself next December when I graduate.  My friend Perry who just recently graduated from the University of Michigan posted this intriguing article from the wallstreetjounal.com on Facebook.  I'll list the 10 things below in short, but I recommend clicking the jump to read the elaborations.

10 Things Your Commencement Speaker Won't Tell You

1. Your time in fraternity basements was well spent.
2. Some of your worst days lie ahead.
3. Don't make the world worse.
4. Marry someone smarter than you.
5. Help stop the little league arms race.
6. Read obituaries.
7. Your parents don't want what is best for you.
8. Don't model your life after a circus animal.
9. It's all borrowed time.
10. Don't try to be great.

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