Monday, April 2, 2012

Autism Awareness Month

April is World Autism Awareness Month. Autism is described as "a mental condition, present from early childhood, characterized by great difficulty in communicating, forming relationships, and interacting with others."  Autism currently affects one in every 91 children in the U.S.  Autism was diagnosed in only one in every 10,000 children in the 1970's. The frequency of diagnosis has steadily increased since then. However, many professionals argue that the accuracy of diagnosis has improved leading to the increase in frequency.  More children will be diagnosed with autism this year than with AIDS, diabetes & cancer combined.  My brother has Autism and growing up with him has presented its own unique set of challenges.  The cause of Autism is currently unknown.  Some professionals link it to children receiving all of their recommended immunizations at once at birth.  Which my brother did receive. There is no medical cure for autism but early diagnosis and effective interventions have been known to lead to improvements.  Studies have also shown that genetics and environment also play a role. There also seems to be a link between autism and engineering.  Fathers and grandfathers of autistic children are more likely to be engineers than any other profession. Coincidentally my father is a structural engineer. I urge you to show all people who are of special needs patience and compassion. They long for belonging and acceptance JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE.  Click the jump below to read more autism articles by CBS news.

CBS Autism Articles

My brother and I.

This original Autism logo was created by roommate Matt Rosenbach (@MattRosenbach)  He also runs a very popular blog
Check out this incredible autistic artist draw the city of Rome completely from memory.

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